Closed Bug 639399 Opened 14 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Design reddit promo graphics


(Marketing :: Design, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: williamr, Assigned: tshahian)



(10 files)

Attached image Reddit box v1
Sorry this is last minute, but fortunately these graphics should be pretty basic. We'll be sponsoring an "IAmA" on reddit this Thursday where the reddit community can talk with some of our developers about Firefox 4 using reddit's commenting system. The timing will be right after RC1 is released so we'll be pointing users to that from the IAmA post.

Timing: need to send reddit draft copy and graphics by EOD Monday and then finalize copy and graphics by EOD Tuesday/early Wednesday once we get their feedback.

What is an IAmA? Take a look at Opera's post from October as an example:

Promo blocks: 
- Headline: 100 character headline at the top of the reddit homepage with a 70x70 graphic
- Box 1: 300x250 graphic in the right sidebar on the homepage
- Box 2: 300x150 graphic in the right sidebar on the homepage, immediately below the 300x250 graphic
- These all link to the IAmA post on reddit.

Initial suggestions:
- Headline graphic: Firefox logo with reddit alien in the corner. We could place the Firefox favicon on the alien's chest.
- Box 1: Large Firefox logo with reddit alien in the corner. Copy at the top about "IAmA Firefox 4 developer"
- Box 2: Copy along the lines of "Want to know how Firefox is made?". Could include some decorative graphics like a line ornament or banner

Copy bug is bug 631148
Attached image Reddit box v2
Another approach to Box 1 where the alien is in the corner and is wearing the Firefox favicon.
Attached image reddit IAmA example
Example of what Opera's IAmA promo looked like on reddit's homepage
Attached image Headline graphic v1
Idea for Reddit headline graphic
Talked to Ty. He'll be able to whip something up tonight with FPO text based on the mockup.  I think we can make this a fairly simple graphic using the logo and the blue tint/textures from the site, and perhaps incorporate the Reddit icon if we can find an appropriate design solution for it.  

Updated timing:

* First draft due by 9 AM PST Tuesday.
* Final due by Wednesday.
Ty: we have a few changes for the content of the banner graphics

- 300x100 banner will be a dedicated "download" promo that will point to the Firefox 4 RC page on (similar to ). We could make this look like a mini download button. Note: the 300x150 dimensions mentioned in comment 0 is incorrect. It's actually 300x100 pixels.

- we'll need two versions of the 300x250 banner: the first version will point to the Firefox 4 RC page and should probably feature the reddit alien and Firefox logo with text saying something like "Try Firefox 4 RC". The second version will point to the reddit Q&A post and include text something along the lines of "IAmA Firefox developer and we just released Firefox 4 RC".
Ty, you can get an idea for some of the potential copy in bug 631148 comment 43 if you want to drop that in instead of Greek text.
Ty--thanks so much for working on this--these promos are awesome!

Putting my vote in per promo--

ff4/Reddit Title: this loks great.
Headline image: I love A. I could also do C.
300 x 100: I love D
300x250 Big Box: I like D the best, but could be swayed.
300x250 QA: I could do either. I like A for consistency.
Ty these look great. Thanks for the quick turnaround too.

ff4/Reddit headline image: Love A. I could also do C.

300 x 100: I love D, also like A. 

300x250 Big Box: I like D the best, but A and B are good options as well.

300x250 QA: I could do either. I like the font and color variety in B though.
These look great, thanks Ty.
One small tweak and we're done. Ty could you post the final versions of these?

Headline image: A
300x100: D
300x250 Big Box: A. Could you post two versions of this? One as it is and another with the bubble text changed to "IAmA release candidate for Firefox 4. Download me here."
300x250 QA: B.

That's it, thanks!
(In reply to comment #15)
> 300x250 Big Box: A. Could you post two versions of this? One as it is and

Oops, meant to say version D for the Big Box. Thanks.
Here are the PSDs and PNGs for the the Reddit page:
(In reply to comment #7)
> Created attachment 517667 [details]
> FF4 Reddit Promo - FF4/Reddit Title

Ty, any chance we could get a transparent PNG version of the FF4/Reddit Title in the next few hours? Without the blue background please.
Ill send it as soon as get home. You will have by 4pm (your time).
Here is the PNG version of the REDDIT Title image
Huge Thanks Ty.
Yes, thanks so much Ty! Marking this closed.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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